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Frequently asked questions
Answers to questions we are frequently asked
25 articles
How do I enter two balance tax rate methods?
What functions does the sales module offer?
What to do if BVG contributions are not paid in half?
How do I enable 2-factor authentication?
How do I book the share capital deposit correctly?
Why does a receipt not appear in the reconciliation?
How do I create a budget?
How do I close the fiscal year?
How do I unreconcile a transaction?
Why does the balance of the OP lists not correspond to the balance of the 2000/1100 accounts?
How are dunnings booked?
How do I create a new salary type?
Why can't I edit a booking?
How to delete receipts?
How can I create and edit new tasks?
What should be considered when uploading the receipts?
How do I correct an individual payroll run of an employee?
How do I create article templates for invoicing?
Reconcile partial payments from debitores
Generate and process MT940 or camt.053 files.
Upload payment file to e-banking
For new employees - accept invitation and register
Invite user on Accounto - Fiduciary view
Why was a receipt not booked?
How is Paypal, TWINT, SumUp or Stripe booked?