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What to do if BVG contributions are not paid in half?
What to do if BVG contributions are not paid in half?

Find out here which settings in Accounto correctly take into account and book non-halved BVG deductions.

Updated over a week ago

And this is how it works...

If half of the BVG deductions are not paid by the employer and half by the employee (in the following example: employer 30% - employee 70%), these deductions must be taken into account by entering them as salary types.

Where can I find this function?

Navigate to ⨠Payrolling, then to the subitem ⨠Payroll settings and on the tab ⨠Salary type to get to the overview of all previously deposited salary types. Click ⨠ + Add salary type to add another wage type.

BVG contributions as salary types

Before you can enter a new salary type, you will be asked to enter specific information about the salary type. In this article, all the steps and required information for creating a new wage type will be clarified in general. Thus, the following explanations are limited to specifics of non-half BVG deductions.

  • Employee share

    1. Make sure that deduction is set.

    2. Ideally, assign a code to this salary type that indicates a subcategory of the higher-level, total BVG premium (in our case, this code is 600), as well as a title that indicates which share is involved.

      ❗ NOTE: The title of the wage type appears in the wage statement and should therefore be selected correctly.

    3. Select "individual" as the deduction base.

    4. Select the correct accounts to book this deduction portion to.

    5. Select the correct position under which this deduction share should appear in the wage statement.

    6. Save your settings.

  • Employer's share

    For the employer's share, the above explanations regarding the employee's share apply mutatis mutandis. For clarification, you will find an example below:

Define individual deduction base

For an individual deduction base, the base value and the corresponding percentage must also be defined. To do this, first go to the ⨠Employees module and use the ⨠pencil icon to select an employee who is affected by such a deduction.

An overview of a variety of information on the respective employee appears.

  1. Select the ⨠Salaries tab.

  2. With ⨠ +Add salary, add the previously created salary types (2.1) to the salary.

  3. Select the salary type you want to edit.

  4. Define the amount as 1.0.

  5. Define the approach to be used as the base value. This would be the total BVG premium debt.

  6. Define the correct percentage.

  7. Define a start or end date within which this deduction should be valid. If no end date is known, leave this line blank.

  8. ⨠Save your settings, which will make this salary type part of the employee's salary.

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