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Why does the balance of the OP lists not correspond to the balance of the 2000/1100 accounts?
Why does the balance of the OP lists not correspond to the balance of the 2000/1100 accounts?

An important part of the closing operations is to check the open items.

Updated over a week ago

Why discrepancies sometimes arise and how they can be resolved, you can learn here.

And this is how it works...

Where can I find these two functions?

To access the OP lists, go to ⨠Bookkeeping (1) ⨠Closing (2) ⨠Open creditors/debitors (3).

To get to the 2000/1100 accounts, go to ⨠Bookkeeping (1) ⨠Account statements (2), then select the correct account (3), and don't forget to set the date range (4) that matches the OP list.

Tip: Open a new tab for each view to view and compare both at the same time.

Comparison of OP lists and account statements

  1. Open both views (account statement and OP list) and download the selected account statement in CSV format:

  2. Open the CSV file and create a pivot table based on the data. In the pivot view, set the "Name" field as row, and the "CHF" field as value:

    This way you can immediately see the balance per vendor/customer and compare it with the balance of the OP list.

  3. Go through each name and check the individual entries that represent a discrepancy between the OP list and the account statement.

Attention: some entries might have been provided without names. This will affect the closing balance per name. Therefore, we recommend to add the names in the CSV file before creating the pivot table for the individual bookings.

Analysis and corrections

When comparing the balances of the two views, it can be generally assumed that:

  • If the balance of account 1100/2000 is lower than the balance of the corresponding OPs, there must be receipts whose payment status has not yet been "reconciled", although the posting of the transaction is present (it was probably changed manually in the account statement), so the system still considers it as an open item; there could also be receipts uploaded twice.

  • If the balance of account 1100/2000 is higher than the balance of the corresponding OPs, there must be manually added entries or transactions that were not booked in the correct account.

To learn more about each of the correction options, see the following articles:

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