Why was a receipt not booked?
There can be different reasons why a receipt was not provided with a booking. Here are the most common reasons:
The receipt has been escalated
If a receipt has not been uploaded correctly, it cannot be booked automatically by the system and will be escalated.
1. You will then find this in the menu ⨠Bookkeeping ⨠Check bookings. The "Notes" column contains the reason for the escalation so that you can better understand it and make the necessary adjustments.
2. press ⨠book to make the entry manually.
For the full article on what to consider when uploading receipts, go here.
The vendor receipt still has to be accepted
For vendor receipts that do not have payment information - this can be included in the invoice text or added by hand, stamp, etc. - only a temporary entry is initially created, which is not entered in the journal until it is approved.
To accept this invoice, go to the ⨠Finance ⨠Accept invoices menu, and then press ⨠Approve. Within the next half hour, the entry will be visible in the journal and account statements.
Go to the full articles on managing vendor receipts in the finance menu:
The expense receipt still needs to be approved
Just as with vendor receipts (see above), expense receipts must be approved before the temporary entry is entered into the journal.
To read the full article on managing expense receipts, click here.
There was an error in the extraction
If the receipt is neither in the ⨠Check bookings menu, nor waiting for approval as an accounts payable or expense document, and yet there is no entry for it, it can be assumed that there is a system error.
This happens very rarely, but cannot be ruled out. In this case, we ask you to either archive the document and upload it again, or report the error to the support team so
that the posting can be completed.
Archive document and upload again:
Go to the ⨠Documents menu.
With the document selected, open the 👁 eye icon on the right to open the detail view.
Click ⨠Mark as done to finish the extraction process.
Then click on the ⨠Archive icon to archive the document.
Then upload the document again
For the full article on how to upload a receipt correctly, click here.
Contact the support team:
Scroll down a bit in the menu on the left until you see the ⨠Help & Feedback menu item. Click it to make the sub-items visible.
Three options will appear to contact the support team:
a. Live Chat - chat with support directly from the platform and receive a response within minutes.
b. Write an e-mail
c. Call us directly
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