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How do I close the fiscal year?
How do I close the fiscal year?

As soon as a fiscal year is completely closed, you have the option to lock the bookings. You can find out how to do this here.

Updated over a week ago

And this is how it works...

Where can I find this function?

Go to the menu ⨠1. Bookkeeping ⨠ 2. Closing, then select the correct ⨠3. tax year in the balance sheet. You will see the current status of the tax year in item 4, and item 5 is the intended function.

Conditions to be fulfilled

❗ Please note: Before you can use this function, the following criteria must still be met (always valid only for the fiscal year to be closed):

  1. The balance of open accounts payable and receivable must equal the balance in account statement 2000 and 1100, respectively.

  2. There must not be any other unreconciled documents that may have been uploaded twice and are in a different account (e.g. 1000...).

  3. The VAT declarations must not be in "draft" status, they must be finalized.

  4. There must be no escalated transactions under "check bookings".

  5. There must not be any escalated transactions under "Reconciliation".

Close tax year

Once all the above conditions are met, you can go back to the ⨠Bookkeeping ⨠Closing menu, select the desired ⨠Tax year, and click on the ⨠Close tax year button.

After you confirm this, the view should be as follows:

  1. You will receive a confirmation in green.

  2. The status of the tax year is now "Closed".

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