
Hier zeigen wir Ihnen, wie Sie Spesen hochladen und verwalten.

Updated over a week ago

And this is how it works...

Where can I find this function?

Click on the >>"Finance" module and on the >>"Expenses" sub-item.

Upload expenses

In general, you can upload expenses in the same way as documents.

  1. Click ⨠ + UPLOAD.

  2. Now click ⨠ Select files or simply drag and drop the files into the field.

    a. ❗ IMPORTANT: In general, only documents in JPEG, PNG, TIFF, and PDF formats can be processed.

  3. Enter the name of the employee.

  4. Then click on save.

NOTE: After uploading, the document is extracted and then stored in the Expenses menu item. This way you have all expense receipts stored quickly and easily in one place.

Manage expenses

The expense tool is divided into the following five sections:


All expense receipts that are still unprocessed and have not yet been extracted are filed under Pending. Once the receipt has been posted and extracted, it is available for approval under Finance - Accept invoices.


If the expense receipt has been approved, it will also be displayed in the expense module undera pproved. In addition, the receipt is available for payment under Finance - Pay Invoices.


Once the expense receipt has been paid or marked as paid, the receipt will appear under paid.


As soon as the reconciliation has taken place after the payment, the document appears under booked.


If an expense document was rejected by you in the Accounts Payable module, the document is displayed at rejected.

NOTE: Manually deposit employee in the "Expenses" for payment:

Employee's bank account information for some reason not automatically applied.

  1. Go to >> Finance >>Expenses and then to >>Pending or >>Approved.

  2. Search for the amount you are dealing with and click on >>Open

  3. At the top right enter the name of the employee and click >>Approve

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